Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening/Bleaching at O Connor Moore Dentist Sligo

‘A smile can say a thousand words’

In our society, white teeth are considered to be the main factor that defines attractiveness of a smile. Nowadays, teeth whitening is a very popular dental treatment being requested by adults of all ages around the world. Our teeth are permanently under attack from colourants contained in our foods, drinks, medicines and tobacco. Factors that can affect the colour of our teeth include ageing, trauma, smoking, eating habits, genetic factors, certain antibiotics and so on. Fortunately, modern whitening techniques effectively restore and enhance the white colour of teeth, making your smile enchanting and captivating.

We offer the more convenient at home tray bleaching technique. 

Tray Bleaching

It’s safe, quick, and inexpensive. Just let us know at any appointment if you would like to whiten your teeth. In only a day or two your custom bleach trays will be ready for you to have fitted. We provide you with a night white bleaching agent that you put into the clear trays.

We are now using NiteWhite ACP. We have produced fantastic results quite quickly using this award winning whitening agent with a huge reduction in sensitivity.


“Got exactly what I wanted. I’ve more confidence with my smile now. Very happy with the results. Staff are so friendly and welcoming”.

Your Teeth Whitening Questions Answered

What does teeth whitening involve

Applying teeth bleaching treatment that is prescribed by a dentist involves applying a pin-drop size bleaching gel to each tooth, inserting the bleaching tray and applying pressure to the tray for even coverage.

The teeth bleaching solution should then be left on for 30 minutes to one hour.

What does it cost?

Take-home bleaching including trays and bleach is €245

Single tooth slow release tooth whitening is €195


Will my teeth get whiter?

n nearly all cases, this is a resounding YES, but the degree of whitening we achieve depends on 2 main factors:

  1. What colour they are to begin with, and the source of the discolouration: Brown or yellow teeth (often the result of superficial staining caused by smoking, coffee and tea) will usually get whiter very quickly and great results are often achieved. Grey teeth (not caused by stains but by pigment deep inside the tooth) will lighten less, and fantastic results cannot be guaranteed. To determine the initial colour of your teeth, compare them to a sheet of bright white computer paper held up to your mouth.

  2. The method used to whiten them: Some methods are better for certain teeth and we can vary the strength of the bleaches to achieve different results. Your dentist will recommend the best method for you.

    Most patients notice definite whitening in just a few days, with dramatic colour change occurring over a short period of 2-3 weeks.

Is bleaching safe?

Studies have consistently shown that this is a very safe and non-damaging procedure. There are no verifiable studies showing any structural changes or irreversible damage to the tooth structure whatsoever.

In fact, it has been shown that application of whitening agents attack the bacteria that cause dental decay and gum disease, a temporary but nonetheless useful effect.

No research has been done on bleaching whilst pregnant/nursing and so is not recommended.

Any side effects?

All bleaching gel may cause some degree of tooth sensitivity. This is normal, temporary and an expected side-effect. Use of products formulated for sensitive teeth helps counteract this.

We have found that NiteWhite ACP has reduced the sensitivity our patients are experiencing to extremely low levels.

What about my veneers and caps (crowns)?

All bleaching agents used to whiten teeth will only work on natural tooth structure. This means that all dental work like white fillings, veneers, crowns (caps) and bridges will NOT bleach or whiten. Your dental work can be replaced to match the newly whitened teeth. Your dentist will anticipate this and discuss it with you should it be necessary.

Does whitening toothpaste work?

Most whitening toothpastes do nothing. Some of those bought abroad can actually harm your teeth as they contain acids/abrasives that cause permanent damage. For whitening pastes to achieve any results at all, they need to be in close contact with the tooth for at least 15 minutes and that cannot happen with a toothpaste or mouthwash.

Before & After Teeth Whitening Questions Answered

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Get in touch to book your consultation. Call us on 071 916 2622.